Iqbal Baho
Top Albums
Turr Gaye Ne Jaani O Sadai
- Iqbal Baho
Kante Aur Phool
- Various Artists, Ghulam Abbas, Mehnaz, Tarannum Naz, Iqbal Baho
Fajar Di Kook
- Various Artists, Iqbal Baho, Siddique Masih, Majeed Masih, Habib
Muntakhib Zaboor
- Various Artists, Mehnaz, Naheed Akhtar, Ghulam Abbas, Iqbal Baho, Tarannum Naz, Kashif Jackson
Hamd E Khuda
- Various Artists, Mehdi Hassan, Mehnaz, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Iqbal Baho, Tarannum Naz, Ghulam Abbas
Geet Aur Zaboor, Vol. 4
- Various Artists, Pervaiz Mehdi, Naheed Akhtar, Mehnaz
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About Iqbal Baho
Listen to Iqbal Baho songs online. Download top songs of Iqbal Baho like Turr Gaye Ne Jaani O Sadai, Dekho Sar E Saleeb Wo, Dil Dariyaa Samundron Dunghai, Ishaq Anokharee Peer and Rehmat Daa Meeh Paa Khudiyaa.