Seema Snehi
Top Albums
I Love You Baba
- Rajkumar Baba, Seema Snehi
Chali Chhath Ghate
- Joginder Gorakhpuri, Seema Snehi
Mai Ke Mamta
- Seema Snehi
Sakhi Kar Navratra
- Anil Diwana, Seema Snehi
Chhathi Mai Ghare Aai
- Seema Snehi
About Seema Snehi
Listen to Seema Snehi songs online. Download top songs of Seema Snehi like I Love You Baba, Kohra De Kalsha, Devdharawa Ke Saiyan, Nandi Ke Rojaye Roj and Mit Jayi Andhera.