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03 THE SMARTLYS Dead Right


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Episode  ·  21:52  ·  Sep 14, 2022


Uplifting, award-winning classic comedy with a smartly twist! In a captivating blend of ambition and unexpected encounters, Eric finds himself in a relentless pursuit of being indisputably right. Meanwhile, Preston's unconventional sales pitch takes a surprising turn as he attempts to convince Eric of the wonders of a Breast Outplant Clinic, leading to an unforgettable excursion to a nude beach. As tensions rise and confrontations unfold, Fetch takes on the formidable task of confronting Lettie, setting the stage for a showdown of epic proportions. Meanwhile, amidst the chaos, Carrie and Nanny embark on a collaborative project, crafting a Rooftop Observatory that promises to unveil the secrets of the universe. In the midst of heartbreak and upheaval, Adare and Philesha part ways, their relationship reaching a bittersweet conclusion. Meanwhile, Shelley finds herself drawn to the Car Pool Boy, sparking a connection that defies expectation. With each character navigating their own desires and ambitions, The Smartlys delivers a spellbinding narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next twist in this captivating tale. Season 1 of this zany TV series also streams free on PLEX TV.  THE SMARTLYS CAST: SEASON 1 Quonta Beasley Philesha (The Psychic Princess) Cheli Landa Vengalis (The Alien) Tommy Lucero Adare Moore Smartly Dan McLellan Fetch Worthington Smartly Sandra McLellan Lettie May Smartly Melvin Powell Thumper Allison Shelley Price Nanny and Dr. Mercedes Monica Sarabia Abigail Smartly, Deceased? Willow Seixas Carrie Bella Smartly Eric Smartly Eric Quantum Smartly Shelley Smartly Shelley YES Smartly Dominic Strayer Caddy Floyd Strayer S. Preston Smartly Gary Tallaksen Announcer and Fifty Buck$ Jim Winkler Winky (The Stalker) THE SMARTLYS CREW: SEASON 1 Creator/Writer Shelley Smartly Director/Producer Floyd Strayer SMARTLY SUNNY DAY Lyrics/Melody Shelley Smartly Composer/Producer Hedges Capers Vocalists Smartly Sunny Day Singers

21m 52s  ·  Sep 14, 2022

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