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10. Cathedral (fake news)

Manhunt - urban game

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Episode  ·  1:22  ·  May 18, 2022


t was you who told me the story of the Beauty of Sanluri, who in 1410 made love to Martino the Younger, invader of Sardinia already weak with malaria, exhausting him to death. Here, in the Cathedral of Cagliari in front of his fake baroque mausoleum, here I find cool and silence. A fake mausoleum and probably fake is also the story that in order to mate the last heir of the Counts of Barcelona and Infante of Spain, they built a useless sex machine operated by his servants. A spicy medieval anecdote that you told me adding lots of suggestive details that you made up on the spot, of course, but I enjoyed the idea of this huge and useless sex machine. Fake is also the facade of this church, redone in 1930 to erase the horrendous Piedmontese style that haunts many facades of this city. All fake. All fake. And I’m starting to believe that the next clue you left me is also a fake. But I follow it anyway.

1m 22s  ·  May 18, 2022

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