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115: The Fastest Path to Burnout


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Episode  ·  40:35  ·  Jun 25, 2024


Not knowing this one thing about yourself, your business, and your podcast will lead you to the deepest, darkest burnout. What is that one thing? Your core values.Your values are the driving factor for setting solid boundaries and determining who your right fit client, customers, listeners, and friends are. Not convinced? Listen in as Brian and Kayla chat about how your core values, your why, and your definition of success come together to create a solid foundation to build your podcast on.Want to learn more about Profitcast? Head over to https://www.rockmypodcast.com to check out all of our episodes, learn more about Brian and Kayla, and let us know what topics you'd like us to cover.

40m 35s  ·  Jun 25, 2024

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