149: "Telling your story, getting it down on paper, getting it out through art, and getting it out in the world, in some way, is mystically healing." Heart to Script with Amy Uptgraft and Lea Johnson
Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth
Episode · 1 Play
Episode · 1 Play · 1:10:27 · Sep 6, 2022
Hey there, listener! Thank you for checking out our older seasons! We're adding this note on the top of the show notes to keep you up-to-date with the show. Connect with Jen Amos and get bonus content when you subscribe to our private podcast show, Inside the Fort by US VetWealth, at http://insidethefort.com/Last Updated: September 2, 2024---149: "Telling your story, getting it down on paper, getting it out through art, and getting it out in the world, in some way, is mystically healing." Heart to Script with Amy Uptgraft and Lea JohnsonAt the Veteran's Spouse Project (VSP), Amy Uptgraft and Lea Johnson work very hard to create a safe space for military spouses to share where they are on their life's journey. Amy updates us on the current VSP offerings since she first joined us in February 2021. First time on the show, Lea shares the headspace she's currently in as she and her husband anticipate military transition. Together, they talk about their intense desire to build true community based on authenticity, how everyone's story has equal weight, how listeners can sign up for their next Heart to Script program, and much more.Get Involved with The Veterans Spouse Projecthttps://veteransspouseproject.org/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAwmu0ULu3yp4TZ8TlFaMQQhttps://www.facebook.com/veteransspouseprojecthttps://www.instagram.com/veteransspouseproject/Additional Resources079: “The stability of a military spouse’s mental health is the cornerstone of the military family.” Theatre and expressive arts with Amy Uptgraft https://www.holdingdownthefortpodcast.com/episode/079 AnnouncementsHolding Down the Fort by US VetWealth is a Finalist for the 13th Annual The Plutus Awards presented by Capital Group for “Best Military Personal Finance Content.” Read more at https://bit.ly/hdtf-plutus-22--RETURNING FALL 2023The award-winning podcast, Holding Down the Fort by US VetWealth, is returning for Season 7 in Fall 2023 to share inspiring stories of service and self-sufficiency from the military community! This show is a must-listen for military servicemembers and families interested in pursuing financial autonomy while serving our nation.The show is very excited to announce its new partnership with The Rosie Network, which will include featuring the stories of Service2CEO Cohort Members. Read more about this exciting partnership at https://issuu.com/therosienetwork/docs/me_mag_2023/16Our main sponsor US VetWealth is proud to announce their newest FREE resource hub: Military Retirement Blueprint — the perfect knowledge library for career retiring military officers who want to make the most of their retirement. This specialized program provides training, guides, consulting, investment-grade insurance strategies, financial & retirement planning, and more. Join for FREE today by visiting: <a href="https://usvetwealth.com/war-chest-learning-center-access-the-military-retirement-blueprint/" rel="noopener...
1h 10m 27s · Sep 6, 2022
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