'Yahi Sach hai', the story which was made into the movie Rajnigandha by Basu Chatterjee (starring Amol Palekar, Vidya Sinha) is a love triangle that plays out as the inner monologue from the perspective of the central female protagonist. Bhandari wrote about a woman attempting to choose between her two loves; one from her past and one from her present. Anagha Wankhede reads this eponymous love story for us and the discussion follows.   Mannu Bhandari (born 3 April 1931) is an Indian author, whose work dates up to late 1950s - early 1960s. She is most known for her two Hindi novels, Aapka Banti and Mahabhoj. She is often credited as one of the pioneers of the Nayi Kahaani Movement, a Hindi literary movement initiated by authors including Nirmal Verma, Rajendra Yadav, Bhisham Sahni, Kamleshwar, etc. Starting in the 1950s, a newly independent India was going through societal transformations like urbanization and industrialization. This demanded new debates, new opinions and new points of view, provided by those part of the Nayi Kahaani movement, including Bhandari. Narratives and stories mostly dealt with the relationship between sexes, gender inequality and equality as a new class of working and educated women had emerged then. __________________________________ INSTAGRAM - www.instagram.com/themansarovarproject FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com/TheMansarovarovarProject TWITTER - twitter.com/TheMansarovar SoundCloud - soundcloud.com/mansarovar-project #MannuBhandari #HindiKahani #HindiPodcast #YahiSachHai
1h 28m 35s · Apr 29, 2021
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