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#5 Camp Run for your Life?


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Episode  ·  6:47  ·  May 27, 2022


Episode 5 - Camp Run for your Life? / Posted by: UncensoredC Source: Reddit---Okay so. When I was in year 7(6th grade), we went on school camp to a campground up in the hills. It was old and creepy but there weren't any ghost stories or nothing so we were all like "this is so cool!" We chose our cabin mates, sorted out our beds then went for dinner and to get put into our groups.Camp was normal and fun for the first few days, but on the third day there was literally news that some supposed psychopath was out in the bush near where the lodge was. I don't know the full story of the guy, but I do remember we had security set up, guards arrive and stood watch with defense equipment, and we were to lock our cabins and windows. Dinner was delivered to us and we had to have a teacher escort us to the bathroom.My cabin buddies and I didn't care much, we shared our candy that we smuggled in, told scary stories and tried to dare each other to go outside.At night almost all of us got woken up by hysterical screaming and crying, a slam of a door and people running past our cabin. Turns out the guard outside of the cabins had fallen asleep and the maniac had broken into one of the cabins. Horrifying enough, the man had also stabbed the two girls on the bottom bunks.The psycho was caught and pinned, emergency services were called and we were all brought to a hotel to stay for the night. The girls both survived with minor damage, and the crazy guy was send to a psych ward. That campground was closed for good reasons I guess. Everything turned out okay but that was a terrifying experience. The cabin was the one right beside ours.

6m 47s  ·  May 27, 2022

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