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6. Inside the old anatomical theater

Manhunt - urban game

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Episode  ·  1:09  ·  May 14, 2022


The obsequious janitor still recognizes me, and lets me in, but tells me to hurry up. Here in the old anatomical theater, where they used to dissect bodies, here I saw you play your last comedy, on behalf of the Firm, surrounded by young naive newly graduated students, and you right in the middle, at the place of honour, that of the corpse, alluring them with your perfect power-point and your tweed jacket, looking at me, every now and then, searching for my approval with your eyes and a half smile. My task was to contact the most promising or influential students. We were a perfect team. I am in the meeting room, at the back of the theatre, rummaging in the archives, I'm looking for names, addresses, faces, of those you liked the most, and I know because you always told me, to make me jealous.

1m 9s  ·  May 14, 2022

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