84: Heaven Said, “Study that!” - Dr. Ron Horner on Spirit Centered Business
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Episode · 46:41 · Nov 4, 2021
Dr. Ron Horner is an apostolic teacher specializing in understanding the operations of the Courts of Heaven, engaging Heaven, and the Heaven Down paradigm. He is the author of over twenty books on these subjects.He is also the founder of LifeSpring International Ministries, which serves to advocate for both individuals and businesses in the Courts of Heaven. TOPICS:- Coming to know Jesus, and moving forward- Introduction to the courts of heaven- Stepping into heaven and revelation- A review of the first books and others- Teaching on the courts at the school in India- Operating out of the Glory- Living from an open heaven - Receiving revelation and putting it in books- Tuesday night FREE mentoring group - Testimonies from court cases that brought supernatural healing- Teams that advocate in the courts for personal and business- The Facilitator program and seminars- Learning about Mithraism- Book writing and publishing help Life Spring PublishingGOLD NUGGETS:Some terms in the English translations of the Bible don’t tell you the real background of that term. When we say the word “sign”, we think of a road sign or signs and wonders. The greek reveals “sign” to mean the “outflow of judicial rendering”. It’s the outflow of the verdict you received from the court.The book of Revelations shows how they received their revelations directly from heaven We could be more like the Colossians Church by the way they stepped up and studied to get revelation for their lives. When you step into heaven be sure to look all around. Look up, down, left, and right. Check to see if there’s an urgency at that moment. You may also look around to see if there’s any men or women in white linen present. Ask if they have something for you - they often do. Be curious like a child and don’t overthink it. We have a tendency to operate out of our anointing but our anointing may have limits. In the anointing your physical energy won't last. When you’re operating out of the glory you’re not getting worn out because you’re just being in the present. You can get more accomplished because the glory is doing the heavy lifting.Facilitator Training is an 11-month program that teaches you about the different courts, and how to operate as an advocate for other people in them. The next one starts in January. Sign up is on the website and will close at the end of November or first of December. Don’t wait to sign up, it will fill up fast. https://www.courtsofheaven.net/facilitator-overview Begin with the book, Four Keys to Defeating Accusations, to learn about the basics of the courts of heaven. Then you will be ready to read the next recommended book, Releasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven. QUOTES:- There are over 5,000 verses in the bible related to courts.- We have the inheritance to access heaven; we see it all through the Bible.- Learn to minister out of the glory and not out of the anointing.- Expectation releases the glory.- The atmosphere of expectancy is the breeding ground for miracles.- Don’t wait for God to align because he is already there.- As you get revelations from heaven, bring them down and walk them out.- Walk through the courts with our process chart.- The book you want to write is already written in heaven. Bring it down and get it published.LINKS:- Business Advocacy Services: www.basglobal.net- Courts of Heaven resources & training: www.courtsofheaven.net- Courts of Heaven FREE weekly webinar: www.courtsofheavenwebinar.com- Get Dr. Horner’s Books: www.lifespringpublishing.com- Join the Ekklesia for Business: SCB Activation Group- Spirit realm Activations for your Business: https://spiritcenteredbusiness.com/coaching- Join the SCB Tribe: http://facebook.com/groups/scbtribe- Design your Leveraged, Scalable & Sustainable business model from Heaven's blueprint and bring the Transformation in the world you and your business were destined to create. Schedule a FREE Discovery call with Bralynn: http://Bralynn.appointlet.com/s/discovery
46m 41s · Nov 4, 2021
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