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A product manager's guide to building a start-up and a successful blog

The One Percent Project- Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Resilience

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Episode  ·  31:16  ·  Feb 7, 2021


About Deboshree Dutta:My next guest on The One Percent Project is Deboshree Dutta. She is Group Product Manager at Paypal, Founder & CEO of RoomPlays and blogger with 150K Instagram followers. In this conversation she talks about:What is product management and how to access product success?How she built her blog Design Play took it to 150K followers?Her experience being an entrepreneur and building RoomPlays.Rapid Fire:One book or a blog that has made the most difference to you?Will say two books, one book was lean startup. I think that has been brilliant. From day one. From the time I started into product management all the way till I'm doing everything that I do even today, I treat it as a Bible and I'd recommend that to anybody who if you haven't read it. The other one that I really liked is by Arianna Huffington. It's called thrive and that is essentially about mental wellness, meditation, gratitude. It basically talks about how we define success only by typically just two pillars, which are like money and happiness or money and career success, but there's a third leg to this three legged stool, which is your mental happiness and I think her book speaks to me every day. I think it's I highly recommend if people haven't read it, I highly recommend reading thrive by Arianna Huffington.Hardest thing about your job?Patience. I think a lot of times we try to have these brilliant ideas, and we want to see them in action. But like I said, you need to bring people along with you and you need to work through the kinks. It takes time to make magic happen. So patience is something I'm learning to do to have.Your most favourite superhero?I don't have one. But I would say I love how I built this as a podcast. So every time I listen to one of Kendra Scott, or Kate Spade, or Reid Hoffman, or any of their journeys, and how they've gone from just giving it a shot, like not losing hope that has been that's really why I started replays, like learning from the humility and just for me that they are all superheroes, and I highly recommend how I built this if someone if folks are not listening to that podcast.Three ways to support the podcast:#1 Share the episode with family and friends on social media with #OnePercentProj using the share button on the site.#2 Take a few seconds to give us a rating on Apple Podcasts. This helps new folks find us organically. Rate#3 Leave a review if you feel inclined. We read every single message and love feedback. Review

31m 16s  ·  Feb 7, 2021

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