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Episode 28: Mahi de Silva- Building consumer-focused businesses

The One Percent Project- Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Resilience

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Episode  ·  24:21  ·  Jun 2, 2021


About Mahi de Silva:My next guest on The One Percent Project is Mahi de Silva. Mahi is a serial entrepreneur. His company AdMarvel was acquired by Opera, and within the first month of acquisition, AdMarvel 10xed Opera’s browser monetization. His latest entrepreneurial stint, Amplify.ai recently merged with Triller. Mahi is a University of Kansas and Stanford graduate. He kicked off his career at Apple and later was a part of the core startup team at VeriSign. He eventually became the company’s VP (Engineering) and, later, GM of its Wireless Services. In this conversation he talks about:His journey from Apple to Ampllfy.ai.How he thinks about building a business.Customer Acquisition Vs Customer Retention, which is more important and why?How valuable has it been for him be a business leader with an engineering background?Key Take-Aways:How to identify problems that no one is adequately addressing and how to go about it.How to absorb complex problems and situations and express them in the simplest form so that the consumer is able to understand.Innovation is driven by getting to more and more customers and adapting your offering based on their needs.Rapid Fire:The hardest thing about your job? I'm both a psychologist and a babysitter.One book or a blog that has influenced you personally and professionally?Jim Collins, from good to great.Will AI ever take over human interactions?I don't believe so.Your most favourite superhero?Batman.Three ways to support the podcast:#1 Share the episode with family and friends on social media with #OnePercentProj using the share button on the site.#2 Take a few seconds to give us a rating on Apple Podcasts. This helps new folks find us organically. Rate#3 Leave a review if you feel inclined. We read every single message and love feedback. Review

24m 21s  ·  Jun 2, 2021

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