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Episode 34: David Fallarme-The New Age Marketer

The One Percent Project- Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Resilience

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Episode  ·  41:53  ·  Oct 31, 2021


About David Fallarme:My next guest on The One Percent Project is David Fallarme. Before joining On Deck as their Marketing Director, David was the head of marketing for Hubspot Asia. He has led the product and content marketing initiatives for Electronic Arts, App Annie and ReferralCandy. He also runs the APAC Marketers Roundtable, one of the most active communities of marketers in APAC.Join our No-Spam WhatsApp groupIn this conversation he talks about:What is marketing and the types of marketers?His content creation frameworkWhy should marketers focus on who should be buying vs who is already buying?How should early-stage founders think about marketing and marketers?How is marketing different in 2021 Vs a decade ago?How Hubspot's strategy may seem weird but it works?Zoom's and Afterpay's product-led growth through the pandemic.Why he joined On Deck, and how will it add value in Asia?Key Take-Aways:There are three types of marketers:  Artist: Marketing = winning hearts and minds.Soldier: Marketing = achieving objectives by working through the system and operational excellence.Gambler: Marketing = finding opportunities with an asymmetric upside.Marketers are multipliers. So if you're a pre-seed or a seed-stage start-up and don’t see a predictable level of traction and don't exactly know who your customer is, you are not ready for a marketer.In future, your social media audience size will be more important than your resume because your followership is an indicator of your influence. 

41m 53s  ·  Oct 31, 2021

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