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Episode 45: Sourjyendu Medda: DealShare- Building a social e-commerce unicorn for Bharat

The One Percent Project- Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Resilience

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Episode  ·  32:04  ·  Apr 10, 2022


About Sourjyendu Medda:My next guest on The One Percent Project is Sourjyendu Medda. Sourjyendu is the founder and Chief Business Officer at DealShare. After spending 15+ years with leading Retail and FMCG organisations such as Metro, Raymond and Britannia, Sourjyendu kicked off his startup journey at the age of 40 to build Bharat's first social e-commerce unicorn.Join our No-Spam WhatsApp groupIn this conversation, he talks about:How his experience with Britannia, Raymond and Metro helped him understand and build DealShare.Why has DealShare been able to penetrate a consumer segment that the retail and FMCG giants have not been able to connect with?How to build a consumer-centric business?Building and growing a network of community leaders.How to build an MVP - Minimum Viable Product?His leadership styleWhy is it hard to copy and compete with DealShare?Some Key Highlights:Value creation comes only through building disruptive solutions because another copy can't create value.Communication is critical. However powerful a product may be, if it is not publicised, there will be no market for the product. Communication should be simple, clear and to the point.When you make a difference in the community and solve the correct problems, your career is bound to be better than others.

32m 4s  ·  Apr 10, 2022

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