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A Conversation About AI in Retail

This Week in Innovation

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Episode  ·  47:59  ·  Nov 10, 2023


Jeff Roster and Brian Sathianathan discuss the impact of AI in various industries including #retail. They discuss Brian's recent trip to the United Nations, where he spoke about the effects of AI on environmental sustainability. They also talk about the growing use of generative AI in different sectors and the potential winners in the AI industry. Jeff asks about the budget and staffing implications of AI implementation, and they discuss the role of IT services in this space. Overall, the conversation provides insights into the current trends and future possibilities of AI technology. JPR’s note: This summary was created by AI.  Pretty good! Give it a listen and let us know what you think?   Podcast Hosts Jeff Roster Twitter https://twitter.com/JeffPR LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-roster-bb51b8/ Website https://thisweekininnovation.com Brian Sathianathan Twitter  https://twitter.com/BrianVision Website https://www.iterate.ai   Podcast Website https://www.podbean.com/pu/pbblog-f8asf-af2782 https://thisweekininnovation.com Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/this-week-in-innovation/id1562068014 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/2QDqTUnt6jebdRHbRzSTJN Google Podcasts  https://tinyurl.com/3bau5xpz Substack  https://jeffroster.substack.com YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwY8GoqzSxj45G6hOBGWOQ   Listen Notes https://lnns.co/2QPSfnizE5K     #thisweekininnovation, #TRI22, #5ForcesOfInnovation, #podcast, #retailpodcast, #emergingtechnologies, #Retailers, #retail,  #retailindustry, #retailtechnology, #retailtech, #futureofretail, #innovation, #innovationstrategy, #retailinnovation, #Startup, #Startups, #retailtrends, #retailinsights, #retailnews, #retailtech, #DigitalTransformation, #VentureCapital, #VC, #Founders, #Entrepreneurs, #startupstrategies, #startupfunding, #startupstories, #startupsuccess, #startupfounders, #retailstartups, #founderstories, #founderlife, #Gartner, #IHL, #ArtificialIntelligence , #AI, #cloud, #data , #deeplearning, #naturallanguageprocessing , #sentimentanalysis , #conversationalai, #InternetOfThings,  #IoT, #machinelearning, #Blockchain, #virtualreality, #augmentedreality, #personalization,  #datamining,  #SaaS, #Recommendations, #QRcodes, #Robots,  #vr, #3d, #ar, #xr, #NFTs, #unifiedcommerce, #socialcommerce, #mobile            

47m 59s  ·  Nov 10, 2023

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