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ACO Visionary 5D Experiencer Theresa J Morris Ascension Age ET Spirit Esoteric Mystic Spiritual

TJ Morris ACO ACIR Radio

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Episode  ·  2:18:42  ·  May 19, 2021


ACO Association Online Social Network – Open Source Information founded by TJ Morris Agency in 2012. – We generate connections to individual artisans, artist, authors, bloggers, entrepreneurs, healers,historians, ‘photographers, practitioners, publishers researchers, speakers, teachers, videographers,And vloggers.TJ Morris Agency dba ACO-ACIR-ACIT-ACOT-AICT.ACIT Train the Trainers Software Developers for a better use of today’s technology Online,Small Businesses are learning their position not only on Main Street but on the internet Highway. Developers, webmasters, and Business2Business. ACO- ACE-ACIT -ACIR Trademarks in USA. Theresa J Thurmond Morris is sharing her path of learning as an entrepreneur with her associates.We all have a learning curve and each individual is unique. Therefore, understanding we are all equal when it comes to human rights, Theresa J Morris, entrepreneur has decided to learn as she goes while on the go! We can all lead a better life while embracing change and what the future has to offer.  We are all about educating people and asking them to learn how to follow all social media available to all of us so we can share information about ourselves, as artisans, as co-creators, and how we make decisions for preferences to focus on. Many of my friends are Life Coaches in our various groups in Free Groups Online such as Facebook. director@uap.associates. God Bless Everyone!

2h 18m 42s  ·  May 19, 2021

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