Embark on an intergalactic journey through the Star Wars universe with Around the Galaxy, your go-to Star Wars Fan Talk Show. In this week's episode #194, hosts Nick Mielke and Pete Fletzer are joined by the esteemed Alex Robinson, the mastermind behind the beloved Star Wars Minute podcast. Recorded on December 5, 2023, this episode offers an exclusive glimpse into Alex's personal Star Wars odyssey, the inception of the iconic Star Wars Minute podcast, and an insightful discussion on the evolution of podcasting since it started a decade ago.Join the conversation as we delve into the depths of Alex's experiences and expertise, uncovering the inner workings of the Star Wars Minute podcast. Be part of the excitement as Alex takes on our renowned 'Ten Questions' segment, revealing fascinating insights and behind-the-scenes anecdotes. Tune in to explore the ever-expanding galaxy far, far away and discover the pulse of the Star Wars universe through the eyes of a podcasting pioneer, only on Around the Galaxy.@TheSSWNetwork@ATGcastwww.TheSSWNetwork.comYouTube.com/@TheSSWNetworkPatreon.com/TheSSWNetworkMusic: "The Page" by Apollo's Ghost(c) 2023 Pete in the Seat Studios
45m 46s · Dec 7, 2023
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