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Autism Q&A with ND Clinician & Coach David Glick

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

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Episode  ·  51:28  ·  Aug 12, 2024


Today, Dr. Stephanie will bring an autism Q&A with Dave Glick. Dave is a neurodivergent clinician and an autism advocate.Dave Glick is the founder and director of Triad Psych, P.C., and has been working in the combined fields of behavioral health, special education, and disability services since 1993. Originally trained at Boston University, he has worked as a special education teacher, behavior analyst/specialist, clinical director, disability consultant, and advocate. He holds a master's in both education and social work and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Dave founded Triad Psych, p.c. in 2003 to provide valuable resources to the special needs community.David is also a coach! Find out more at:https://www.triadpsych.org/

51m 28s  ·  Aug 12, 2024

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