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Backlog Busting Project #18: Fallout 3, Freedom Planet, Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Backlog Busting Project

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Episode  ·  1:16:02  ·  Jan 4, 2018


On this episode of Backlog Busting Project, Wes Harrington and Randy Isbelle discuss three different kinds of games. Both guys discuss the indie title Valiant Hearts: The Great War. How is the story? Does it give them a bigger interest in World War I, and is the gameplay enough to make the game worth it? There's also some talk on Fallout 3. The huge game from Bethesda that changed the way the franchise is perceived. How did they implement this? Is there perhaps too much freedom in the game? Does it hold up today? Finally, they cover Freedom Planet. An indie game from developer GalaxyTrail and available on Playstation 4. How does this 2D Platformer stack up?

1h 16m 2s  ·  Jan 4, 2018

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