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Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar (2021)

Film Trace

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Episode  ·  48:26  ·  Feb 18, 2021


Getaway to never never land with two 40-something Middle America chatty uppers called Barb and Star. Their final destination is the sunny and surreal Vista Del Mar somewhere on the gulf coast of Florida. We haven't seen an absurdist comedy like this in many moons with only a faint lineage traced to Hot Rod (2007) and a smidge of Austin Powers (1997). Otherwise, this movie is an exercise and experiment in a decades-long inside joke between two improv stars: Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo. Toss in documentary filmmaker Josh Greenbaum and you get this bizarre beach romp. Join us as we trace the life of Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar from conception (Bridesmaids outtakes) to production (heatstroke Caribbean) to release (PVOD or bust) and reception (instant cult hit).

48m 26s  ·  Feb 18, 2021

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