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Becoming an Emotionally Safe Man with Andrew Bauman

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

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Episode  ·  53:31  ·  Dec 19, 2022


Usually, Stephanie and Dan interview our guests together on NDCC, but today Dr. Holmes interviews Andrew J. Bauman on "Becoming a good and safe man." Andrew outlines points from his book with the same title on what to do if your spouse has come to you and said she feels abused or traumatized, or emotionally abandoned. We also speak about the damage porn does to the person struggling with porn use and the damage to the spouse and marriage. About Andrew:Andrew J. Bauman, Co-Founder & Director of the Christian Counseling Center: For Sexual Health & Trauma (CCC), Andrew J. Bauman is a licensed mental health counselor with a Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology from The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. He spent 10 years studying under and working alongside Dr. Dan Allender. Andrew is the author of Floating Away, Stumbling Toward Wholeness, The Psychology of Porn, and (with his wife, Christy) A Brave Lament. You can find his work and blogs at:https://andrewjbauman.com/https://christiancc.org/https://www.amazon.com/How-Not-Be-SS-Becoming/dp/B09PHL68F1

53m 31s  ·  Dec 19, 2022

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