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Beginning with the Self: Noticing Strategies and Needs in the Body

From My Heart to Yours. Meditations.

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Episode  ·  21:17  ·  Aug 15, 2020


In this meditation I will guide you in exploring how strategies and needs live within your body. I will lead you through 6 visualizations and body check-ins. The first and second explorations are of how your body responds when you are telling another person what to do (giving them a strategy) and being told what to do (be given a strategy). In the second a third exploration I lead you through connecting with what it's like to ask for help securing your needs (as oppose to be given a specific strategy), and being asked for help (as opposed to being asked to act on a specific strategy). In the last two explorations I invite you to consider a time in your life when you told someone (or asked them) to do something specific and then what it would be like to ask for support in meeting your needs, without asking for a specific strategy. Below are some examples of each exploration:1 & 2. "I need you to stop arguing with me. I need you to just do what I say." 3 & 4."I need to know I am being heard." I am needing support." 5 & 6. "I need you to take over this project now." vs "I am needing support with this project."

21m 17s  ·  Aug 15, 2020

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