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BONUS | The William Rankin Weathersode Disaster of 1959

Doomsday: History's Most Dangerous Podcast

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Episode  ·  39:05  ·  Oct 22, 2024


Today I bring you the gift of horror, this time as told from a very personal level. Full disclosure, today’s story is a weird one, and you’re not going to believe the escalation of details, but that’s why we’re all here.Today will be an all weather-related disastersode, and the cast of characters won’t count in the hundreds or the thousands – it will be just one brave man, who – spoilers – survives everything I’m about to tell you. A single man, pitted against what I believe you will think of as the worst day at work we’ve ever covered on this show.I originally wanted to make this straight Patreon content during the recent Bangladesh Hail Disaster of 1986 episode, but at 40 minutes, you can understand why I spun it off into its own story – and I tried to keep it brief, but It could easily have been longer.I can’t honestly think of anyone in history with the kind of mental resilience of gumption to make it through an experience this insanely testing without losing their marbles, let alone their life. William H Rankin will forever live on in the imaginations of those who fear flight and all aspects of air-travel with awe and terror – and I hope you enjoy his tale. If the idea of getting episodes a little early and ad-free with ridiculously interesting extra material strikes you as a good thing, you can find out more at: www.patreon.com/funeralkazoo All older episodes can be found on any of your favorite channels Apple : https://tinyurl.com/5fnbumdw Spotify : https://tinyurl.com/73tb3uuw IHeartRadio : https://tinyurl.com/vwczpv5j Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w Stitcher : https://tinyurl.com/mcyxt6vw Google : https://tinyurl.com/3fjfxatt Spreaker : https://tinyurl.com/fm5y22su Podchaser : https://tinyurl.com/263kda6w RadioPublic : https://tinyurl.com/w67b4kec PocketCasts. : https://pca.st/ef1165v3 CastBox : https://tinyurl.com/4xjpptdr Breaker. : https://tinyurl.com/4cbpfayt Deezer. : https://tinyurl.com/5nmexvwt Follow us on the socials for more Facebook : www.facebook.com/doomsdaypodcast Instagram : www.instagram.com/doomsdaypodcast Twitter : www.twitter.com/doomsdaypodcast If you like the idea of your podcast hosts wearing more than duct tape and bits of old Halloween costumes for clothes and can spare a buck or two, you can now buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/doomsday or join the patreon at www.funeralkazoo.com/doomsday

39m 5s  ·  Oct 22, 2024

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