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Co-Parenting with a Spouse on the Spectrum with guest, Dr. Kathy Marshack

NeuroDiverse Christian Couples

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Episode  ·  53:08  ·  Nov 15, 2021


Join Dr. Kathy Marshack and Dr. Stephanie Holmes as they discuss strategies for co-parenting with a partner on the autism spectrum. Families with Neurodivergent spouses will need to develop and work on communication and relationship to partner together, especially when the family has both NT and autistic children in the family system. Dr. Marshack brings in her professional and personal experience to the topic.https://kmarshack.com/More from Dr. Kathy MarshackI am Dr. Kathy Marshack, psychologist and author. As a professional, I specialize in helping my clients who are in Complex Relationships that are tough to treat with conventional psychotherapy. The shortlist of couples and families in Complex Relationships include:“Asperger Syndrome” or High Functioning AutismCodependencyHigh Conflict DivorceEmpathy DysfunctionEntrepreneurial CouplesEx-Pats (Life Abroad)My credentials go back decades including a Master’s Degree in Social Work, and a Doctorate in Psychology. I’ve worked in every conceivable professional setting from child protective services, home health agencies, public schools, colleges, hospitals, and mental health clinics. I’ve covered lots of territory in those years, as you can imagine; everything from working with young children, teens, couples, families, seniors, and entrepreneurs; and with every conceivable diagnosis.I’ve trained with the best too. I am certified in these specific clinical techniques including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Ericksonian Hypnosis, and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). I find these techniques incredibly powerful in creating elegant and long-lasting healing and change. To learn more about these approaches go to Therapy Techniques.Disclaimer:When we have guests on the ASR podcast they are recognized in their expertise on autism as an advocate, self-advocate, clinician, parent or other professional in the field. They may or may not be part of the faith community; having a guest on the broader topic of autism does not reflect complete agreement with the guest just as many guests may not agree with our faith perspective. Guests are chosen by topic for the chosen podcast discussion and not necessarily full agreement of all beliefs from the chosen guest(s).

53m 8s  ·  Nov 15, 2021

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