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Creating a Thankful Heart Through Awareness of Core Values

Liberating Generations

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Episode  ·  36:51  ·  Nov 18, 2023


Core values dictate many aspects of life such as decision-making, relationships, problem solving, behavior and more... They are guiding principles and fundamental beliefs that shape our actions and reflect who we are as an individual - our foundation.  Everyone has their own set of core values, so it’s important to identify the ones that are meaningful to you. When we acknowledge our values we can create a space that makes life easier - by honoring your values and making informed, conscious decisions to achieve personal goals and create a happier you.  In this episode, Dr. Keesha and Regan Claire explore the importance of being intentional about core values in your life. Join them as they discuss how to identify core values and why they are key to creating a more thankful heart. Tune in to hear more about: [01:52] - What to expect in this episode[03:04] - The value of Integrity [08:05] - The value of Compassion[14:03] - The value of Generosity[18:46] - The value of Humility[22:40] - The value of Humor[28:42] - The value of Trust  Connect with Dr. Keesha Ewers - Website: www.drkeesha.com | Instagram: @dr_keesha_ewers | Facebook: Keesha Ewers | TikTok:  @liberating_generations Connect with Regan Claire - Website: www.tasteofliberation.com | Instagram: @tasteofliberation

36m 51s  ·  Nov 18, 2023

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