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DearEX Podcast | Legal Insights on Mutual Consent, Child Custody, and Domestic Violence with Sonia Rajesh | Ep 6

The Mohua Show

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Episode  ·  12:56  ·  Jun 16, 2024


DEAREX PODCAST SERIES : Welcome to DearEX, a new podcast series from the creators of The Mohua Show. In this podcast show, we will speak to individuals who've had the courage to call it quits in their relationships and marriages when it wasn't working any longer.We will discuss the dreaded D word of divorce, which most of us shy away from. DearEX will speak to once married, now single folks, people going through heartbreak, counsellors and lawyers to bring you honest, trippy truths of what it took to say no more. We all know to call it quits isn't easy. To D or not to D isn't really an easy question to answer. Episode 6In this enlightening episode, we delve into the complexities of divorce with legal expert, Sonia. We explore the crucial differences between mutual consent and contested divorce, highlighting the smoother path provided by mutual agreements. Sonia sheds light on child custody considerations, debunking common misconceptions and emphasizing the court's focus on the child's welfare over gender biases. We discuss the impact of extramarital affairs on custody, the importance of pre-agreed travel and relocation terms, and the legal recourse available for unpaid child support. Sonia also introduces the concept of paternity fraud, a rising issue in metro cities. Additionally, we touch on the Domestic Violence Act of 2005, underscoring its importance in protecting women and providing comprehensive legal remedies. This episode is a must-listen for anyone navigating the challenging waters of divorce, offering valuable insights and practical advice on ensuring the best outcomes for all parties involved, especially the children.DisclaimerThe views expressed by our guests are their own. We do not endorse and are not responsible for any views expressed by our guests on our podcast and its associated platforms.#DivorceLaw #MutualConsentDivorce #ContestedDivorce #ChildCustody #DomesticViolence #LegalAdvice #FamilyLaw #PaternityFraud #ChildSupport #DivorceSettlement #CustodyRights #ParentalVisitation #DivorceLawyer #LegalInsights #WomenRightsThanks for Listening!

12m 56s  ·  Jun 16, 2024

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