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Dhritarashtra's Blind Love: An Untold Story.


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Episode  ·  4:39  ·  Sep 21, 2024


The story of Dhritarashtra and Gandhari is a significant tale from the Mahabharata, illustrating themes of patience, sacrifice, and love. Dhritarashtra, born blind, accepted his fate of never becoming king, while Gandhari, upon learning of his blindness, vowed to blindfold herself in solidarity. Together, they had a hundred sons, with Duryodhana being the most prominent. Despite her blessings, Gandhari never supported her sons’ wrongdoings. The tragic consequences of their decisions culminated in the devastating Kurukshetra war, leading to the death of all their sons. Ultimately, their lives exemplify how inaction against injustice can lead to tragedy, teaching that one's actions have inevitable consequences. Their story remains a powerful lesson in the Indian epic, emphasizing the importance of moral choices and the depth of human relationships.

4m 39s  ·  Sep 21, 2024

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