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Domestication of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement

NESG Radio

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Episode  ·  47:05  ·  May 30, 2024


As we approach the five-year mark since the signing of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement on May 30, 2024, it has been considered necessary to examine the effectiveness of this landmark treaty. This discussion will focus on how the Nigerian economy can strategically position itself to maximise the benefits of the AfCFTA. Leaders of the NESG Trade, Investment and Competitiveness Policy Commission will discuss the imperatives of the Domestication of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement and other policy imperatives. Bringing a wealth of experience as the CEO of Centre for the Promotion of Private Enterprise (CPPE), Dr Muda Yusuf will provide his invaluable perspective as a key industry player. He will discuss Nigeria's progress since ratifying the agreement in November 2020, the significant challenges, and potential strategies to bolster intraregional trade. Also, according to Article 28 of AfCFTA, the treaty is "subject to review every five (5) years after its entry into force..." Given current realities, the conversation will address whether or not the agreement should be reviewed and what such reviews should be.

47m 5s  ·  May 30, 2024

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