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E1: From Research Biologist to English Teacher (ESL) | Career Journeys in Canada

Career Journeys in Canada: Reinventing Ourselves

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  12:45  ·  Jan 16, 2022


Vânia Halldorson worked for many years as a Research Biologist in remote areas of Brazil. However, her Master's and Doctoral degrees did not guarantee her a career that would fit her lifestyle in Canada. Always on the move, within Canada and the US, she decided to invest in a career that would allow her to work remotely. Seeking government support paid off.Reinventing Ourselves: Career Journeys in Canada is a podcast series that showcases real-life stories of people who have successfully reinvented themselves through their careers. People who have overcome adversity find new purpose, explore new horizons, and follow their passion.This project was made possible through the generous support of Ontario Creates. It is a realization of BRZ Group Inc.

12m 45s  ·  Jan 16, 2022

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