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Earth to Shelter A Masterclass on the Science of Mud Buildings with Yask Kulshreshtha

Tiny Farm Friends

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Episode  ·  41:45  ·  Oct 20, 2023


Meet Yask Kulshreshtha: Founder of Muddled Studio A scientific researcher in sustainable construction materials, Yask's PhD thesis "Building affordable, durable, and desirable earthen houses" at TU Delft, Netherlands, tackles rural Indian housing challenges: affordability, durability, and desirability. Join us as we bust mud-building myths and dive into the science behind it.   What You'll Learn:  Science behind mud buildings  Why mud buildings are better for your health  Innovative Solutions to develop affordable, water-resistant earthen building materials.  Explore the choice between cement and lime in sustainable construction materials and the role of stabilizers. 00:00:00 - Intro 00:01:40 - Background 00:04:47 - Backpacking trip through Rural India and perception of mud houses 00:07:12 - Biggest misconceptions around the Earth building 00:13:34 - Breathability of mud buildings 00:16:20 - Why choose to research mud? What is your thesis about? 00:19:14 - Cement vs Lime and Stabilizers for CSEB (Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks) 00:24:43 - Cow dung as a stabilizer and its water resistance 00:31:12 - Should you do a master's or Ph.D. in the Netherlands? What brings you back to India? 00:38:48 - Vision for the future?For show notes click hereWatch it on Youtube⛰️ Connect with Yask on Linkedin  Subscribe to our free weekly Tiny Farm Friends Newsletter: Every week we send a mail with tiny insights and resources to help you follow your countryside dream, create art, and build naturally.The next one drops on Sunday!Give it a try, it's free:https://www.tinyfarmlab.com/newsletter  Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tinyfarmlab/ https://www.instagram.com/tinyfarmfriends/ Subscribe to our channel on Youtube - @tinyfarmlabEmail: Tinyfarmlab@gmail.com

41m 45s  ·  Oct 20, 2023

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