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Embodied Stress And The Cost Of Perfectionism – with Susan Montanaro

The Trifecta of Joy

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Episode  ·  36:42  ·  Oct 2, 2022


Stress is a reality for so many people these days, and yet, the path forward through it can seem so complex, and sometimes even debilitating.&#160; In this episode we talk about how we think stress is in our heads, but when we pay attention, we notice how it show up in the body.&#160; The impact of stress can be profound – and often also shows up in the body. Susan vulnerably discusses how stress for her was internal first, then led to back problems, hair loss, and other embodied signs that she couldn’t ignore any more.&#160; For Susan the simple act of cutting her hair was a way to take her power back.&#160;&#160;Many of us struggle with the dangerous desire to be perfect&#160; believing it will create comfort.&#160; We are led to believe that perfectionism and doing it all “just right” will create more control. This conversation&#160; challenges that ideal with the power of surrender. &#160; &#160;Surrendering to your life can be hard when you have been driven by the need for perfection – especially if you’ve been messaged that it is the only way to feel safe.&#160; This episode invites you to lean into surrender as a way to manage&#160; anticipatory anxiety – as a step to moving toward surrender, with a reminder that the idea of doing it is actually harder than the action.Surrendering is about accepting where you are RIGHT NOW. You can be here and now and be okay. You do not have to force things.We also discuss:-Being defined by your trauma- Surrender and anxiety-Flow-What you resist persists-Process is an ongoing practice-Being intentionalThe healing path is never over.&#160; Showing up for yourself now is the first step, and as Susan reminds us, there is so much personal power that comes from “minding your own plate.”About the Guest:Susan is a Psychotherapist based in New York and the host of Dreams and Detours, the podcast.&#160;Her deep desire to shift from surviving to thriving led her on a long journey to heal old trauma while seeding herself for self-love and compassion. Susan’s strength, courage, and curiosity led her to become a Certified Holistic Health &#38; Wellness Counselor in 2006, earn a Bachelors of Social Work in 2017, and Master of Clinical Social Work in 2021.&#160;Always the cheerleader, Susan encourages others to be true to themselves, and to embrace their beauty and flaws.About the Host: Tanya's mission is to create a legacy of self-love for women that reinforces trust in themselves through our programs, coaching, podcast, and book, The Trifecta of Joy! As Founder and creator of the Trifecta of Joy Philosophy, she combines over 30 years of research and work in various helping fields, to help you achieve your greatest successes!Using her philosophy of the Trifecta of Joy, her mission is to empower people through their struggles with the elements of awareness, befriending your inner critic and raising your vibe. This podcast is about sharing stories of imperfection moving through life to shift toward possibilities, purpose, and power in your life!Having had many wtf moments including becoming a widow, struggling with weight and body image issues, dating after loss, single parenting, remarriage, and blending families, Tanya is committed to offering you inspiration and empowerment – body, mind, and spirit! As a speaker, writer, and coach, Tanya steps into her life’s purpose daily – to INSPIRE HOPE.Order your copy of the Trifecta of Joy – HELP yourself in a world of change <a...

36m 42s  ·  Oct 2, 2022

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