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Episode   ·  20 Plays

Episode  ·  20 Plays  ·  48:31  ·  Sep 23, 2022


This Audiobook is based on Indian Polity By M laxmikanth (Chapter 15). If you want to watch Video Click Here.  A state of emergency in India refers to a period of governance that can be proclaimed by the President of India during certain crisis situations. Under the advice of the cabinet of ministers, the President can overrule many provisions of the Constitution, which guarantees Fundamental Rights to the citizens of India.  The emergency provisions are contained in Part XVIII of the Constitution of India, from Article 352 to 360. These provisions enable the Central government to meet any abnormal situation effectively. The rationality behind the incorporation is to safeguard the sovereignty, unity, integrity and security of the country, the democratic political system and the Constitution. The Constitution stipulates three types of emergencies-National Emergency Constitutional Emergency Financial Emergency NATIONAL EMERGENCY National emergency can be declared on the basis of war, external aggression or armed rebellion. The Constitution employs the expression ‘proclamation of emergency’ to denote an emergency of this type. Grounds of declaration:Under Article 352, the president can declare a national emergency when the security of India or a part of it is threatened by war or external aggression or armed rebellion. The President can declare a national emergency even before the actual occurrence of war or armed rebellion or external aggression When a national emergency is declared on the grounds of ‘war’ or ‘external aggression’, it is known as ‘External Emergency’. On the other hand, when it is declared on the grounds of ‘armed rebellion’, it is known as ‘Internal Emergency’.This term ‘armed rebellion’ is inserted from the 44th amendment. Before this term it was known as internal disturbance. Example:If India and Pakistan openly accept that they will use armed forces against each other is simply war. If there is no formal declaration that there will be armed forces used against a country is External aggression. And if because of these two grounds an emergency is proclaimed as an external emergency.

48m 31s  ·  Sep 23, 2022

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