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EP-32: Pedophilia & Satanic Rituals By Elites

Truth Talk with Steve

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  35:24  ·  Mar 3, 2022


The elites and media have been gaslighting those who’ve been talking about Pizzagate, Comet Ping Pong, Pedophilia and Child sex trafficing for years. However, more and more stories are breaking of child sex trafficing rings throughout the country as well as many being exposed through arrests for these crimes.  The elites such as HRC have been abusing,  torturing and even sacrificing kids and babies to worship satan and harvest adrenechrome. This must stop! We can not keep sweeping these horrific crimes under the rug. We must save and protect our children. We must expose those who are involved and hold them accountable once and for all. We’re at war, people. We need God’s help, please pray. The ReAwakening is Real and we must unite to let these people know we’re no longer buying into their bullshit. They have been creating division since Obama. Now is the time we stopped believing the narratives they push through the media about race, religion, gender, vaxxed or unvaxxed. If you haven’t seen the old clips from all the MSM channels when Jesse Smollet supposedly got abused and had a noose put around his head, go back and look at them now we know that was a stunt to intentionally create division through race. They pushed white supremacy and claimed the attackers were Trump supporters. The TRUTH is being exposed more and more every day to the lies they’ve been feeding us because Trump is a threat to their evil ways. That’s why he became President and is draining the swamp around the world. Get more documented truths at www.truthtalkwithsteve.comShow’s sponsors: My PIllow and My Patriot Supply Christmas is just around the corner. Are you struggling with gift ideas? Support the great American Patriot Mike Lindell with My Pillow and use PROMO Code TRUTHTALK and save up to 69%. https://mypillow.com/truthtalk There’s a storm coming!Are you Prepared? Survival Supplies & Emergency Preparedness Gear Trusted Self-Reliance & Food IndependenceDon’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your family today. www.getpreparedwithsteve.com GET MORE TRUTH VIA ARTICLES AND VIDEOS FROM EXPERTS AND WHISTLEBLOWERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD GO TO www.truthtalkwithsteve.com Grab your copy of my FREE book Mind is The Master at www.mindsetisthekey.net Connect with Steve: Podcast: https://www.truthtalkwithsteve.com

35m 24s  ·  Mar 3, 2022

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