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EP-34: Corruption in The Military & Psychological Warfare is A Very Strong Weapon

Truth Talk with Steve

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Episode  ·  56:47  ·  Mar 3, 2022


Listen to Scott Bennett expose corruption in the military in his interview with Michael Jaco. His  passion for America and how we the people can make a difference together as we unite to take it back. https://americanmediaperiscope.com/category/shell-gameswith-scott-bennett/ Shell Games With Lt. Scott Bennett – American Media Periscope A weekly analysis of world geopolitical, economic, military and intelligence operations and events. LT. Scott Bennett: www.shellgamewhistleblower.com FREE OR PREMIUM... americanmediaperiscope.com Great Awakenings – American Media Periscope 12/10/2021 | Great Awakenings. LT. Scott Bennett: www.shellgamewhistleblower.com Omicron spreads quick and easy, but just might be a Christmas gift from God. The Omicron variant was first found in South Africa. To date we’re still not sure how they test to know if someone has Covid-19, the Delta variant or the Omicron variant since no one in the world has still been able to isolate Covid-19. It’s scary to watch the masses buy into whatever they are told on the news without thinking for themselves or doing a little research. Here at TruthTalkWithSteve.com it’s our mission to provide documents and video’s of experts from around the world who’ve done the work for you. There’s no excuse any longer not to do a little research and then use your God given gift to think critically and discern for yourself. I’ve spent hundreds if not thousands of hours so you don’t have to. I’ve got hundreds of articles and video’s over on TruthTalkWithSteve.com for you to just click on the link below the description to make it easy and save you a lot of time. Show’s sponsors: My PIllow  My Patriot SupplyDr. Kirk ElliottDr. Stella Immanuel Support the great American Patriot, Mike Lindell by shopping at My Pillow. Use PROMO Code TRUTHTALK and save up to 67%. https://mypillow.com/truthtalk Are you prepared for the storm that’s coming? My Patriot Supply is #1 in the US for Survival Supplies &  Emergency Preparedness. . Don’t wait until it’s too late. Protect your family today and save up to $100 on a 3 month food storage package. www.getpreparedwithsteve.com Dr Stella Immanuel: Don’t get caught this winter with Covid. Protect yourself proactively now with HCQ or Ivermectin or have it in the cupboard when you get symptoms to knock it out fast. Dr. Stella Immanuel. Use the PROMO code TTWS and save 5% at www.drstellamd.comDr. Kirk Elliott has been protecting his clients income and assets for over two decades. While so many others will continue to operate in the deceitful and flawed modalities being advised by an industry they no longer trust, Dr. Elliott’s clients are positioned properly for the Global Financial Reset that is upon us. A great change is now underway. The time for action is now. Click here https://kirkelliottphd.com/cloward/ for a free consultation with Dr. Kirk ElliottGET MORE TRUTH THROUGH HUNDREDS OF ARTICLES AND VIDEOS FROM EXPERTS AND WHISTLEBLOWERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD AT https://www.truthtalkwithsteve.com If you're struggling during these turbulent times, the first place you want to look to fight it is inside your mind. The mind is a powerful place that can destroy us if we’re not careful. During difficult times the stories our subconscious brings up can take us to a darker place if we buy into them and build on them. Grab your copy of my FREE book Mind is The Master at www.mindsetisthekey.net to find the ways to create a powerful mindset to lead you to success and happiness.

56m 47s  ·  Mar 3, 2022

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