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EP-56: Killary & Hussein Have Covid. Does that mean…

Truth Talk with Steve

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Episode  ·  41:05  ·  Jun 24, 2022


The CDC tells the New York Times that hid Covid Data for Political reasons. Selectively cherry-picking ‘The Science’ to suit a political narrative is not ‘Following the Science.’ It is malpractice and fraud.Learn how you can support the J6 Prisoners while you show you stand for Freedom with the Official Freedom Gear by visiting https://officialfreedomgear.com David Straight not only talks about how to become a State National, but he has a mind blowing announcement of who was dropped off onto George Washington’s head at Mount Rushmore from Donald Trump Jr. helicopter, for Gene Ho, President Trump's photographer to get a picture. He tells us it’s the Vice President of The United States Republic. This would be the 19th VP of the Republic since those from twenty on have been frauds under the United States of America Corporation. David Straight talks about the law, the Bar, the Corporation of the US and much more to help expose the corruption and evil that’s manipulated the people since 1871. We’ve been manipulated and under evil control on this planet by the Khazarian Mafia who’s strong hold in Ukraine for thousands of years. As mentioned in the previous podcast, that is where Pelosi’s, Kerry’s, Romney and Biden’s kids are involved in energy deals making millions and involved in laundering money. Who knows their involvement in child trafficking. What we do know is that the Russian military found and saved a lot of kids during the military op. To take out bio-labs and get evidence of corruption etc.  Support J6 Prisons and show that you Stand for Freedom with the Official Freedom Gear https://officialfreedomgear.com/ Connect with Steve:Website: https://www.truthtalkwithsteve.com Website: https://www.lifeafteraddictionandindictment.com Truth Social: TruthTalkwithSteve @steveclowardFacebook: https://facebook.com/stevecloward1 Instagram: https://instagram.com/swcloward :My PillowSave up to 70% at https://www.mypillow.com/truthtalk when you use the promo code, C60 Evo - ESS60 (PURE C60) DELIVERS BETTER SLEEP, Mental Clarity & Immune Support. Experience The Benefits. ESS60 neutralizes free radicals from cell metabolization and external toxins to help minimize inflammation and maximize detoxification. People report better sleep, more energy and flexibility, and renewed mental clarity when they take our ESS60https://www.c60evo.com/ref/TruthTalk/ Dr. Zelenko’s Z Stack Formula to build your immune system to protect against any virus. www.zstackhealth .com Jump over to www.getpreparedwithsteve.com now to pick up some food storage from My Patriot Supply before the economy really tanks and the shelves at the stores are bare. It’s not a matter of it, it’s a matter of when. Titan Survival - Get prepared with all the survival gear you need at Titan Survivalhttps://bit.ly/33I8h6J David Straight Part 1 with Ann Vandersteel https://rumble.com/vxl7sa-march-16-2022-becoming-an-american-state-national-with-david-staring.html David Straight Part 2 with Ann Vandersteelhttps://rumble.com/vxr7pj-march-18-2022-straight-to-freedom-what-is-an-american-state-national-with-d.html David Straight JFK Jr https://rumble.com/vy0iaw-john-f.-kennedy-jr.-currently-serves-as-the-vice-president-david-straight.html   CDC Exposed by NY Times https://thefederalist.com/2022/03/22/cdc-tells-new-york-times-it-hid-covid-data-for-political-reasons/   Hillary Has Covid https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/breaking-fully-vaxxed-boosted-hillary-clinton-tests-positive-covid-19/   MSM Exposes Vax Adverse Reactions and Death https://t.me/disclosurehub/4348

41m 5s  ·  Jun 24, 2022

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