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Ep. 2 “The Tale of Two Trees”, Well-Being of Ourselves and Humanity with Kevin May

Cosmic Earth Wellness

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  1:18:59  ·  Dec 16, 2020


In this episode, Kevin May joins us for a story of the “Tale of Two Trees” where we talk about the betterment of humanity and eco ways of living vs ways that are destructive to us and the planet. We dive into ways of being that serve us and humanity so we can thrive. Included is a discussion on permaculture and tricks and tips to focus, ground, and activate one's energy. Kevin May is an Author, Transformational Coach, and Musician from Pittsburgh, PA. He provides inspiration, support, and encouragement for people through their Transformational journeys. He recently self-published his 3rd book, The Joke Revolution. To connect with him, or check out his music and videos, visit: https://linktr.ee/KevinMayThe music for the intro and outro was produced specifically for this podcast series by Spaceship Earth - Ashton Robertson. Thank you Ashton! Find Spaceship Earth’s music here: https://fanlink.to/SpaceshipEarthPhoto Art by: Maya Sierra

1h 18m 59s  ·  Dec 16, 2020

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