Cosmic Earth Wellness Host Brooke Berger welcomes Pan Williams to talk about Meditation, 21st Century Monasticism (Monkhood), Wizardry, his service at The Goddess Temple of Ashland Oregon, Paladin Path/Knighthood and Spiritual Earth Activism. WizDumbe = To be wise is to be dumb. Don’t know mind. Beginner’s mind. Idiot’s mind. The Fool of the Tarot. Hollow eagle bone. Hollow bamboo. Empty chalice filled and overflowing in each moment.Pan Williams shares...“My teacher Soryu Forall shared the Buddhist teaching “Donkeys and Oxen know. Buddhas and Boddhisattvas don’t know”. The ‘e’ tacked on to the end of WizDumbe is a playful way to add an old time medieval aesthetic. It’s a lighthearted inquiry into the past roots of the English language. Fitting for the inquiry into 21st century spiritual knighthood. - Pan Williams aka “The Meditating Lorax”Find us on Insta @_brooke_berger and @cosmicearthwellness The music for the intro and outro was produced specifically for this podcast series by Spaceship Earth - Ashton Robertson. Thank you Ashton! Find Spaceship Earth’s music here: https://fanlink.to/SpaceshipEarthPhoto Art by: Maya Sierra
37m 15s · Feb 24, 2021
© 2021 Spreaker (OG)