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Ep. 8. Sustainable retail: Greenwashing, circular economy, eco materials, supply chain

Tech Talks Green

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Episode  ·  54:21  ·  Jun 28, 2023


How sustainable are the brands you purchase from? In the past, not many people will have asked this question, but things are changing.Sustainability has become an increasingly crucial factor in purchasing decisions. According to a recent survey by IBM, 60% of consumers are willing to change their shopping habits to reduce environmental impact.Nearly eight in 10 respondents indicate sustainability is important for them. Of those who say it is very/extremely important, over 70% would pay a premium of 35% more, on average, for brands that are sustainable and environmentally responsible.Awareness and education have been key to this shift in consumer behavior. People are demanding more transparency from brands they buy from, thanks to the likes of ecolytiq. In this episode of the new Disruption Talks series, Sustainability in Retail, Jinder Kang, Innovation Consultancy Lead at Netguru, and Gio Giacobbe, CEO at ACBC, talk about whether brands can stay authentic while being sustainable.Hosted by Nat Chrzanowska.

54m 21s  ·  Jun 28, 2023

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