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EP115: 單親與離異的小朋友 | Children from Divorce and Single-Parent Families

Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! - 第二季 | 美國廣東話節目

Episode   ·  5 Plays

Episode  ·  5 Plays  ·  1:01:53  ·  May 3, 2023


Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目EP115: 單親與離異的小朋友 | Children from Divorce and Single-Parent FamiliesEP115: 由於近年來離婚率也不低, 越來越多孩子的父母都是已經離婚。 今集節目主題是探討細路仔的成長,主要聚焦在單親家庭和父母離異的孩子身上。 即使節目主持人們都沒有自己的孩子,但是他們將會從孩子及其他的角度來探討和思考這些小朋友的成長。| As the divorce rate is not low in recent years, more and more children's parents are divorced. In this episode, we are going to discuss the development of children, mainly focusing on single-parent families and children of divorced parents. Even though the hosts do not have children of their own, but we will discuss from other perspectives.免費 Podcast 收聽平台: Website: https://Cantocast.FM ———————— Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3mKpdx2 Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3jWiU82 Google Podcasts: https://bit.ly/34UBide ————————iHeartRadio: https://ihr.fm/3m7LJQHAmazon Music/Audible: https://amzn.to/34S4EJaSpreaker: https://bit.ly/34QRUm2Castbox: https://bit.ly/32dAkqKDeezer: https://bit.ly/3kW2SwaPodcast Addict: https://bit.ly/2GoK2P9Podchaser: https://bit.ly/32cEgrBJioSaavn: https://bit.ly/3kWBYV0———————— Website: https://Cantocast.FM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cantocast.fm Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cantocast.fm Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@cantocastfm 丁丁 Instagram: @ikading Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart Lam Instagram: @lam.tse Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318#廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #父母 #親子 #家庭教育 #兒童教育 #親子教育 #夫妻 #離異 #離婚 #離婚之后 #撫養權 #監護權 #單親家庭 #單親家庭的孩子 #親子 #爸媽 #媽媽 #爸爸 #家人 #孩子 #小朋友

1h 1m 53s  ·  May 3, 2023

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