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Ep#429 Cody Schneider: Cracking the Code: Unveiling Content Marketing Strategies with Cody Schneider | Insights from Swell AI Co-founder

The Growth and Scaling Podcast with Todd Westra

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Episode  ·  30:01  ·  May 8, 2024


Full episode details here: https://links.growthandscaling.com/429 Ready to crack the code of content marketing with Cody Schneider, the genius behind Swell AI? In this mind-blowing interview, Cody spills the beans on how they're using AI to rock the content creation and marketing game. Join Cody on an epic journey as they unveil the challenges faced and game-changing decisions made while scaling this startup sensation. Discover how Swell AI caters to everyone from podcasting pioneers to big-shot marketing teams, adapting their approach to meet each unique need. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just a marketing nerd, this interview is your golden ticket. It's time to level up! Unlock the Secrets of Your Revenue Orbit: Launch Your Business to New Heights! Download our FREE Understanding Your Orbit Guide here: https://captainscouncil.com/understand_your_orbit    Ways to connect with  Cody Schneider : Website: https://swellai.com/ Company Twitter: https://twitter.com/swellai YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Swellai Company Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swellai_/ Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/codyxschneider/ Company LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/swell-ai/ What’s in this podcast episode? 00:10: Who is Cody Schneider and what does he do 00:20: What is Swell AI and how does it use AI for content marketing 00:38: Who is Swell AI's target audience and how has it evolved 00:54: Who are some of Swell AI's clients and what kind of content do they create 01:22: Who are the main targets of Swell AI's services 02:19: What challenges does Swell AI face in serving different segments of its market 02:29: What's Cody Schneider's favorite type of client, and why 02:56: How does Swell AI balance serving both smaller businesses and larger enterprises 04:07: What advice does Cody have for early-stage companies in terms of client acquisition 04:39: How does focusing on grassroots efforts help companies in the long run 06:40: How does Swell AI measure its progress in product development and growth 08:44: How does Swell AI gather feedback from customers to inform its product development 09:32: How does Swell AI plan to navigate the competitive landscape of AI-powered content marketing 09:50: How does Swell AI position itself within the broader context of AI startups 11:25: What strategies does Swell AI employ to create a sustainable competitive advantage 13:24: What were some key decisions that contributed to Swell AI's growth in the past year and a half 14:55: How did Swell AI capitalize on marketing arbitrage to fuel its growth 15:44: What advice does Cody offer to founders regarding marketing strategy 16:17: Why is it important for startups to focus on mastering one or two marketing channels 17:31: What unexpected challenges did Swell AI encounter in its growth journey 19:38: How does Cody stay focused and avoid distractions in his role as a founder 21:57: How does Swell AI leverage its own product to attract and retain agency clients 22:00: How does Cody harness peer groups for mutual growth and support as a founder 25:07: Who has been instrumental in Cody's entrepreneurial journey, and how 28:03: Where can people connect with Cody Schneider or learn more about Swell AI I highly suggest you watch this entire exchange between Cody Schneider and ⭐️Todd Westra If you're looking for tips and strategies to grow and scale your business, this episode is for you! 1. Subscribe and Listen to ⁠The Growth and Scaling Podcast with Todd Westra ⁠ 2. Supercharge your growth and tap into the wisdom of others. Schedule a pre-podcast call today. https://content.toddwestra.com/ 3. Join our CEO peer advisory board and be part of a supportive community of like-minded leaders. ⁠https://captainscouncil.com/home⁠ 4. Maximize LinkedIn outreach. Join our webinar for solutions to time constraints in connecting and engaging with desired prospects.   ⁠https://www.linqed.ai/⁠

30m 1s  ·  May 8, 2024

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