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Ep6: Big Business & L-Quote explain the difference between Foresight, Hindsight and Clear Vision

Waves Of The Bay: The Podcast

Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  1:16:38  ·  Jan 13, 2022


They say hindsight is 20/20 but what happens when you are able to make the right decision the first time? A lot of people only see the result of your decisions and not what went into the thought process and that's where Big Business & L-Quote come into play. Through experiences gained by trial and error they have a well rounded view of what's necessary and what's lacking in the entertainment industry today. I got a chance to speak with these two Entrepreneurs about adapting, evolving and progressing on this episode of Waves Of The Bay. Follow them @quotefuego and @bighlw and make sure you show love to us @wavesofthebay.Watch the interview at https://youtu.be/UsLjEQsmkUg. Please make sure you Subscribe to the page.

1h 16m 38s  ·  Jan 13, 2022

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