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Episode 00 - Introduction & The Cardcaptors Jukebox

Keepers of the Clow

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Episode  ·  4:53  ·  Aug 27, 2023


Episode 00 Is Podcast Feed ExclusiveAlex introduces KotC to the Vintage Anime Video Network audience. Plus, we have our first edition of the Cardcaptors Jukebox featuring the original Cardcaptors Intro Theme and the Instrumental Credits Theme. Enjoy!-Keepers of the Clow is a podcast dedicated to discussing and exploring Cardcaptors, the english dub of Cardcaptor Sakura, originally produced by Nelvana. We discuss the original episode orders, the changes from the original anime, and themes and elements that were cut out to make the show "more appealing" for a wider audience. The ultimate goal? To find out once and for all if they succeeded in making a product that works on its own merits. ​ Hosted by vintage anime enthusiasts Alex Summers and Matt Emblidge, consider us your companion podcast to your journey through the confusing but magical world that is the Nelvana dub of Cardcaptors. We hope to bring you on a nostalgic ride filled with deep dives, humor, and an everlasting love for all that is Cardcaptors and Card Captor Sakura. ​Episodes are released bi-weekly at this time. Follow the official Keepers of the Clow Facebook Page.

4m 53s  ·  Aug 27, 2023

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