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Episode 2: "Toxic Polarization and Its Antidote---Pluralism," with Daniel Stid

Reimagining Us

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Episode  ·  29:34  ·  Dec 3, 2024


On this episode of Reimagining Us, co hosts Nichole Argo and Scott Hutcheson have a conversation with Daniel Stid focused on toxic polarization and the importance of pluralism in countering it. In contrast to ideological polarization, where people disagree with each other but can still work together, toxic polarization refers to when people dislike and even dehumanize their political opponents, seeing each other as a threat not just to ideas but to their values, identities, and social groups. However, perceptions of the opponents and their views are often inaccurate. Toxic polarization leads to a breakdown of relationships and the contamination of various, non-political domains of life. Pluralism, on the other hand, involves recognizing and valuing the diversity of perspectives and working towards mutual understanding and accommodation. It requires virtues such as tolerance and reciprocity. Pluralism at the local level can be fostered through individual commitment, building relationships across differences, and investing in civic spaces and institutions. Daniel Stid is the Executive Director of Lyceum Labs, a nonprofit dedicated to reimagining the roles of political leaders and parties in the 21st century. He is a visiting fellow at the SNF Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University, and his blog, the Art of Association explores the interplay between civil society and democracy in America. He is the author of The President As Statesman: Woodrow Wilson And The Constitution. In this episode, we also hear briefly from Peter Coleman and Stephen Hawkins, our primary guests in Episode 3. For more information or to share your stories and feedback, email info@togetherup.org, or comment on YouTube and Social Media @togetherupinstitute HOSTS: Nichole Argo is the Founder and Executive Director of TogetherUp Institute Scott Hutcheson is the Executive Director of E Pluribus Unum Produced by Next Chapter Podcasts

29m 34s  ·  Dec 3, 2024

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