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Episode 2: UNPLUG - When you're done is where you begin

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Episode   ·  1 Play

Episode  ·  1 Play  ·  6:35  ·  Oct 17, 2023


Verse  Everything you’ve done to dateHas you invested in the status quo.And so you fight to play inside The circle you’ve created for yourself. Yet, what you seek is outside.And so you play this game,Until you wear yourself out.  When you’re done,Is where you begin.  When you’re done making excuses,When you’re tired of waiting aroundFor other people or circumstances,Or for your whole life to change. When you’re ready toShake up your whole worldBecause it has nothing to offer That is of any value to you. You’re ready, willing, and ableTo do whatever it takes To reclaim control of your life.To find joy, purpose, and meaning.This is where you begin.  Now, nothing and no one Can stop you From finding yourself,From making a fresh start.This time, on your own terms.  You don’t need any specific Person, situation, or thing.You’ll tap into Every available resourceTo find outWhat works best for you. You will figure it out All on your own. Because this time, You’re determinedThat this is your life. You will design it How you want it. 

6m 35s  ·  Oct 17, 2023

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