Superstition and credulity | Digav Aaditya Singh RajputDescription:-(I'm at a place where, i can't record video that's why I'm recording this clip.)Nowadays people who even don't have zero level of patience are teaching today about spirituality, meditation, peace and austerity. Also it's because national issue.Superstitious beliefs can have a negative impact on the social well-being of people in society because they are highly associated with financial risk-taking and gambling behaviors. This study looks at the effects of different types of superstitious belief (proactive vs. passive) on consumers' risk-taking behaviors.Thank you for watchingKeep smiling:)Rate this show on IMDbhttps://m.imdb.com/title/tt16760256/Reach me singhaaditya@substack.comNewsletter - https://singhaaditya.substack.com/On other platforms Linktree -https://linktr.ee/singhaadityaApple podcast - https://apple.co/39HQOOh Facebook - https://facebook.com/singhaadityafbTwitter - https://twitter.com/who_aadiiiLinkedIn -https://www.linkedin.com/in/who-aadiii
4m 39s · Jan 23, 2023
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