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Esoteric Guide Brad Olsen and Theresa J Morris, TJ Morris ET Radio Shows

TJ Morris ACO ACIR Radio

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Episode  ·  2:13:18  ·  May 22, 2021


Brad Olsen, will be sharing his origin story and how we can all share life with him in his Esoteric World. Theresa J Morris, TJ Morris Agency, Brad Olsen is author of ten books, including three in his Esoteric Series: "Modern Esoteric"  "Future Esoteric." and the newly-released “Beyond Esoteric.” An award-winning author, book publisher and event producer, his keynote presentations and interviews have enlightened audiences at Contact in the Desert, UFO Mega Conference, the 5D events and dozens of radio (including Coast to Coast, Ground Zero, and Fade to Black) and television shows (including Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, Beyond Belief, Book of Secrets and Mysteries of the Outdoors). Brad is a founder and co-producer of the How Weird Street Faire in the SOMA neighborhood of San Francisco. The Chicago native’s esoteric writing reaches a wide audience while he continues breaking ground in alternative journalism, public speaking, illustration and photography. admins Facebook groups, https://www.facebook.com/EsotericSeries/,facebook.com/SacredPlaces108Destinations/,facebook.com/brad.olsen108/,and Brad Owner-Manage http://www.CCCPublishing.com,http://www.BradOlsen.com,http://www.HowWeird.org, with https://esotericguide.us, -ACIRRadio

2h 13m 18s  ·  May 22, 2021

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