Perhaps for some, the annual spell of spookiness has ended. As any Nightowl knows, however, the darker half of the year is just beginning and the veil between worlds is now at its thinnest.Tonight on MIK, in celebration of the Samhain season, we’ll hear four stories of strangeness from around the state in the very words of the witnesses themselves, examine their sightings, and take a look at how these odd occurrences connect to, and their similarities with, high profile phenomenal happenings in Kentucky and around the world. From a Ghost Story perfect for telling on Day of the Dead, to a repeated experiencer of egg shaped UFO sightings over the bluegrass, as well as some ‘Hellier’-esque goings on in Somerset, and one Kentuckians ongoing communication with disembodied beings, this Halloween special has it all! So grab your bag of candy, throw your costume back on, and celebrate the spooky season one more time with MIK, ‘cause after all, EVERYDAY IS HALLOWEEN IN KENTUCKY! Audio support for this episode was provided by TruckStop Dave from the upcoming Angry Small Town album. Shownotes:-Ghosts Across Kentucky by William Lynwood Montell on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Ghosts-Kentucky-William-Lynwood-Montell/dp/081319007X-Strange Intruders by David Weatherly on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/Strange-Intruders-David-Weatherly/dp/1945950005-The Invisibles Book One by Grant Morrison on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/Invisibles-Book-One-Grant-Morrison/dp/1401267955-Lonnie Zamora Incident on Wikipediahttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie_Zamora_incident-Crowley’ Egghttps://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/cienciareal21a.htm-Rare egg-shaped UFO sightings are no ‘yolk’https://www.syracusenewtimes.com/the-egg-shaped-ufo-is-no-yolk/-Video: Excited Navy pilots’ encounter with egg-shaped UFOhttps://www.mercurynews.com/2018/03/13/video-shows-navy-pilots-close-encounter-with-an-unidentified-fast-flying-object/amp/-‘Hanging Trees’ not uncommon in Pulaski https://www.somerset-kentucky.com/news/local_news/hanging-trees-not-uncommon-in-pulaski/article_aa89459f-624e-5e0c-86b5-e4ef005592f7.html-Beyond the Mauve Zone by Kenneth Grant PDF on Google Docshttps://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6XCvYOy0OuwMTJhY2MxOWUtMDc4MC00YWEwLTkxZmQtN2Y4ODYwZjVhNmI0/edit?resourcekey=0-gOiruVW6ff7RLeVjOKZeFQ-Kentucky Ayahuasca on ViceTVhttps://www.vicetv.com/en_us/show/kentucky-ayahuasca-What do Alien Abduction and Psychedelic Experiences have in Common? Let Dr. John E. Mack’s Work Explainhttps://psychedelicstoday.com/2021/01/04/what-do-alien-abduction-and-psychedelic-experiences-have-in-common-let-dr-john-e-macks-work-explain/-Stranger Things' true story is based on a mind-blowing CIA experimenthttps://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a28746159/stranger-things-true-story-real-world-mkultra-cia-project-montauk/-‘Midnight in Kentucky’ host shares local legends to (Pumpkin) Spice up Halloweenhttps://www.somerset-kentucky.com/news/midnight-in-kentucky-host-shares-local-legends-to-pumpkin-spice-up-halloween/article_3a56d022-3905-11ec-9a37-5fa28e4443f2.html?-Truckstop Dave Onlinehttps://www.jamendo.com/artist/349109/truckstopdave
1h 35m 59s · Nov 10, 2021
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