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Exploring the Transformative Powers of Energy Healing with Jan Thompson

The Spiritual Geek Podcast: Wisdom for Modern Times

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Episode  ·  55:30  ·  May 29, 2024


Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Spiritual Geek Podcast! Today, I’m thrilled to have Jan Thompson, an esteemed energy healer from Calgary, Canada, joining us. In this episode, we delve deep into the transformative powers of energy healing, exploring the incredible ways our thoughts and environment interact with our physical and emotional well-being. Whether you’re familiar with Reiki, acupuncture, or just starting your journey into energy healing, this episode offers essential insights into achieving personal harmony and balance. Jan brings her extensive experience and heartwarming healing stories to the table, making complex concepts accessible to everyone. So, tune in, open your heart, and let's embark on this journey of self-empowerment and healing together. Remember, your path to wellness begins with a single step of awareness. Let's get started! About Jan: Jan Thompson lives in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. As a person who is consciously on the ascension path, she loves to talk about her own ascension journey, energy healing sessions and coaching, and aligning with her Higher Self in service to humanity. Jan is passionate about helping others to become self empowered, to realize the divine power within through personal healing sessions, and to create harmony and balance in living and working environments through ascension dowsing. About Sheila: Sheila is a coach, author and energy healer. She helps others see the way forward so that they can consciously create a life they love and celebrate. You can discover more at sheilafranzen.com. DISCLAIMER: Please note that the opinions and views expressed by the host and guests are solely their own and do not represent any particular religious or spiritual belief system. The information provided in this podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. WAYS TO WORK WITH NAME Jan Thompson's Website Ascension Dowsing Website Divine Healing Stories WAYS TO WORK WITH SHEILA Course: Live a More Balanced Life Spiritual Geek Podcast Sheila Franzen's Website Download FREE Expand Your Light EBook Experience a Powerful Torus Energy Healing

55m 30s  ·  May 29, 2024

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