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Filmmaker Sofian Khan is in THE HAVEN!

The Writer's Haven with V. Helena

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Episode  ·  29:31  ·  Jul 1, 2019


V. Helena sits down with #documentary filmmaker Sofian Khan to discuss his film, The Interpreters. It's a behind the scenes look into the challenges native #Iraqi and #Afghani #interpreters face in risking their lives to assist the U.S. Military’s war effort in the hope America honors that code and grants them #asylum in the US. This captivating thriller follows three men and their families who are trying to escape from their own countries where they are now considered traitors. A riveting film that was featured at the 2019 #AnnapolisFilmFestival, Sofian gives behind the scenes insight into the making of the film.

29m 31s  ·  Jul 1, 2019

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