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Financial Friday: Recession is Inevitable

The Real Power Family Radio Show

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Episode  ·  1:00:03  ·  Sep 13, 2024


FF: Recession is Inevitable… But, is it imminent? Can the Federal Reserve kick the can any longer? This has been the longest yield inversion in history. Almost 50% longer than before the Great Financial Crisis. When will the markets break & what can you do about it? Ask for more bailouts? Throughout all of history, stealing money & value from people who produce, so you can give it to people who do not, has caused inflation & eventually toppled governments and empires. Is this time different? I doubt it. www.RealPowerFamily.com Info@ClearSkyTrainer.com 833-Be-Do-Have (833-233-6428) 

1h 3s  ·  Sep 13, 2024

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